#DeleteHQ: HQ Trivia’s new funding may come from Peter Thiel, and the internet is revolting


A year ago the internet raged against an app with #DeleteUber. Now, it’s time to #DeleteHQ. 

By HQ, the internet means HQ trivia, the app that quietly launched in July and now invites more than 1 million people to play trivia every day. 

Why are people campaigning to delete HQ after less than six months into the app’s rise and popularity? Well, the hashtag movement gained traction after Recode reported late Thursday that HQ is raising $15 million. But it’s not the money we’re mad about. It’s who the money is from. 

Peter Thiel’s Founder Fund is reportedly leading the round. That’s the man who shut down Gawker, spoke at the Republican National Convention for Donald Trump, and is fascinated by young people’s bloodRead more…

More about Apps And Software, Peter Thiel, Hq Trivia, Rus Yusupov, and Scott Rogowsky