‘Detroit: Become Human’ dehumanizes everything it touches


In the Welcome to Westworld-esque opening menu screen of Detroit: Become Human, a pretty blonde robot lady flirtatiously calibrates the game to satisfy your needs. Then, she gives you warning — and it sounds a lot like the game designers using her as a mouthpiece.

“Remember this is not just a story. This is our future,” she says ominously.

The aggrandizement of this statement sets the tone for the rest of the game, with its ham-fisted dialogue, questionable optics, and juvenile desperation to be taken as Serious Art About Social Commentary. It’s the first hint at how profoundly, confidently ignorant Quantic Dream is about how the future, history, society, oppression, and even human beings work.  Read more…

More about Entertainment, Video Games, Playstation 4, David Cage, and Detroit Become Human