Disabling this Facebook phone number setting is not an option


Facebook is in hot water once again for how it is using the phone number users may have only provided to Facebook for security reasons. 

On Twitter on Friday, Jeremy Burge, the editor of Emojipedia, called out Facebook for its phone number lookup settings. Burge found that there is no way to entirely opt out of this setting, which governs the ability of other users to find your Facebook profile by entering your phone number in search. The best you can do is limit who can do this to “Friends.” 

What’s potentially most concerning is that some people may have only given Facebook their phone numbers to enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). That is, they gave their phone number to Facebook for security, and Facebook continues to prove that it’s using that number for much more. Read more…

More about Facebook, Two Factor Authentication, 2fa, Tech, and Social Media Companies