‘Feet nails’ will haunt you for the rest of your waking life


Here it is, the most unholy of creations: the foot manicure. And no, I’m not clumsily describing a pedicure, if that’s what you’re thinking. 

The foot manicure, which is the brainchild of Russian Instagram nail artist nail_sunny, is exactly what it sounds like. Every fingernail has a tiny foot attached to it. If you’re confused by this, let me assure you, you’re not alone. 

Feet nails ❤️ -yay or nay? Video by @edo_movs #nailsunnytutorial

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To achieve this unconventional manicure, fake nails are adhered to each nail and molded into the shape of feet, then each foot nail is painted a flesh color, and lastly each foot is given its own pedicure to complete the look.  Read more…

More about Instagram, Nail Art, Nails, Feet, and Culture