‘Game of Thrones’ star Sophie Turner is a tattooed badass in new film trailer for ‘Josie’


Winter may be coming, but Sansa has clearly decided to take a break from the cold to get some much-needed sun.

In the above trailer for Josie, a tattooed Sophie Turner plays a new arrival in a southern U.S. town.

The trailer doesn’t give massive amounts away, but there are plenty of moody shots of characters glaring at each other, some ominous music and a good few hints that most of the people in the town have a secret or two hiding in their pasts.

Go get ’em, Sansa. Read more…

More about Uk, Game Of Thrones, Sophie Turner, Entertainment, and Celebrities

‘Game of Thrones’ star Sophie Turner is a tattooed badass in new film trailer for ‘Josie’


Winter may be coming, but Sansa has clearly decided to take a break from the cold to get some much-needed sun.

In the above trailer for Josie, a tattooed Sophie Turner plays a new arrival in a southern U.S. town.

The trailer doesn’t give massive amounts away, but there are plenty of moody shots of characters glaring at each other, some ominous music and a good few hints that most of the people in the town have a secret or two hiding in their pasts.

Go get ’em, Sansa. Read more…

More about Uk, Game Of Thrones, Sophie Turner, Entertainment, and Celebrities