Get ready for the ‘largest iPhone ever’


Bigger really is better, at least as far as Apple is concerned. 

So suggests a new report from Bloomberg, which claims that the tech behemoth intends to release the “largest iPhone ever” later this year along with two other new models. Apple is allegedly planning to announce the latest additions to the iPhone family this fall, with the devices going on sale before the end of the year.

So all you early adopters out there should take now, perhaps, as the time to invest in cargo shorts. 

But just how big, exactly, are we actually talking? The iPhone X has a 5.8-inch screen, so whatever Tim Cook reportedly has in store it’s obviously larger than that yesterday’s news of a phone. The new, as-of-yet unnamed smartphone (code name “D33”) is rumored to have a screen size approaching 6.5 inches.  Read more…

More about Apple, Iphone, Smartphones, Iphone X, and Tech