How Insomniac Games made NYC the perfect superhero playground in ‘Spider-Man’


New York is as embedded into Spider-Man’s DNA as the radioactive spider that gave him his powers.

It has become cliche to say that New York is a main character in any piece of media. But in Spider-Man, whether in the new game or his endless film franchises, New York is more than just a character. It’s a mirrored reflection of the friendly neighborhood superhero sworn to protect it.

“New York kind of is Spider-Man,” Jon Paquette, a lead writer on the new and wildly popular title by Insomniac Games, said in an interview during E3 in June. ”It’s both this really tough place, but in a lot of other ways it’s also this heartwarming city.” Read more…

More about Entertainment, Marvel, New York City, Spider Man, and Insomniac Games