I love Dave Matthews Band but I have a hard time showing it


Welcome to No Shame November! This week we’re diving into the pop culture we love that society tells us we shouldn’t.

I love Dave Matthews Band. They’re my favorite band of all time, but sometimes I think that people will think less of me if I make that information public.

Over the years, fans of Dave Matthews Band have garnered a negative reputation: frat bros, sloppy drunks, and people who are more interested in partying than listening to music at shows. Sometimes I’m worried that if I wear a DMB shirt in public, people will think I’m one of them, and that’s a bummer.

Now, don’t feel bad for me. As a straight, white, cis man, this is pretty much the biggest social hardship I face in my life, and it doesn’t actually stop me from enjoying this band that I’ve followed since I was a kid. Read more…

More about No Shame November, Dave Matthews Band, Noshamenovember, Entertainment, and Music