I played ‘HQ.’ It was fun. It’ll be gone in six months.


Today, a bunch of us cool folks here played that hip new, live phone trivia game HQ. As a big trivia guy (and regular champion), I enjoyed myself. As a realist, I don’t think it’ll be around for too long.

HQ is an app that you can download on your iPhone (no quiz for you Android users). Then, twice a day on weekdays and once on weekends, it will notify you to join a live-hosted trivia game where you compete with many thousands of people to win real money.

It’s simple. It’s intuitive. It’s mildly charming. And it doesn’t stand a chance.

It’s an extremely futuristic service that seamlessly connects people and creates a sense of community over something as basic as a trivia game. I was greatly appreciative of the thoughtful questions that seemed neither too hard nor too easy and the hosting (by “Quiz Daddy” Scott) went down pretty well.  Read more…

More about Iphone, Gaming, Quiz, Trivia, and Scott Pruitt