In ‘God of War,’ the biggest surprise is how familiar everything is


Let’s start with some TL;DR advice: God of War is a winner. I’ve gone out of my way to avoid spoilers in this review, but this is a game and a story filled with surprises. If all you really need is a yes or no recommendation: YES. Play this game.

For those that want a fuller sense of what to expect, read on. Spoilers are kept to an absolute minimum.

Kratos isn’t angry anymore.

He’s no ray of sunshine or anything. But he’s older and big-bearded now. He has a kid. He has a wife. He’s mellowed, at least as much as anyone could after being tricked by the gods into murdering their own wife and child (different wife and child, obviously). Read more…

More about Entertainment, Gaming, God Of War, Sony Santa Monica Studio, and Entertainment