Lara Croft gets her hands dirty in ‘Shadow of the Tomb Raider’ trailer


Lara Croft is heading to Mesoamerica to stop the Mayan apocalypse in Shadow of the Tomb Raider and it looks like things are going to get bloody.

The first trailer for the latest installment of Tomb Raider looks very intense with the protagonist Croft delving into jungle-covered Mayan lands and getting her hands dirty by taking care of some soldiers, jumping across perilous caverns, and stopping a human sacrifice. You know, classic Tomb Raider fare.

The trailer makes Shadow of the Tomb Raider appear a bit more hardcore than the last two games, and it seems like Croft is getting a bit more introspective with the apocalypse looming over her shoulder. Read more…

More about Trailers, Pc, Playstation 4, Xbox One, and Tomb Raider