Leaked images from set of ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 8 possibly reveal devastating spoiler


This post contains potential spoilers for the upcoming Game of Thrones Season 8

Game of Thrones fans made a gut-wrenching discovery at the Belfast set of Winterfell Castle  — and we’re shook to the core by what it could mean for Season 8.

Several images surfaced Tuesday showing Winterfell engulfed in flames. The fires, it seems, are emanating from both inside and outside the castle — which means the castle will have little hope of surviving to be more than pile of rubble. And the whole thing feels like an icy stab in the heart. 

Many of you might, like us, be screaming, “LEAVE WINTERFELL ALONE!” while wiping away mascara-streaked tears. And we 100% agree. The castle, the Starks, and the North have been through enough as it is.  Read more…

More about Game Of Thrones, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Winterfell, and Tyrion Lannister