Let people do whatever they want with their dang books, sheesh


If you follow a lot of people who watch a lot of Netflix, then you’ve probably spent a lot of 2019 so far watching them argue about books. Specifically, about Tidying Up with Marie Kondo‘s approach to books.

“Keep your tidy, spark-joy hands off my book piles, Marie Kondo,” gasped The Washington Post“Marie Kondo, back off! Why this book hoarder refuses to tidy up,” declared Cnet. On Twitter, some bibliophiles expressed shock and horror, while others reacted to that shock and horror with snark and bemusement

After what she said about books? Passpic.twitter.com/qIJ75SrVHC

— Brae Chilchot (@braeunfiltered) January 4, 2019 Read more…

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