Louis Theroux responds to important photo of Louis Theroux doppelgänger


Louis Theroux’s Twitter feed is a beautiful place.

When the British documentary maker isn’t taking part in glorious Q&As or filming himself reading a line generated by an actual Louis Theroux Twitter bot, he likes nothing better than to share his thoughts on an ongoing phenomenon: the Louis Theroux doppelgänger.

As it turns out, pretty much everyone in the world seems to know someone who looks like Louis Theroux.

Here’s the latest:

My friend knows someone who looks exactly like @louistheroux and I don’t know what to do with this information pic.twitter.com/BcpVr4c1qp

— 🚀maya🎭🌈🏳️ (@impossibella_) November 28, 2017 Read more…

More about Twitter, Uk, Doppelganger, Louis Theroux, and Culture