Mark Zuckerberg wants to move past Cambridge Analytica, but the world won’t let him


Mark Zuckerberg wants you to know that nothing can hold Mark Zuckerberg back. Unfortunately for him, the world doesn’t quite agree. 

As the Facebook CEO addressed a crowd of developers gathered Tuesday for the annual F8 conference, he took pains to emphasize that he has a duty to keep chugging along — Cambridge Analytica be damned. 

After calling out the greatest hits of “Russia interfering in elections,” “fake news,” “hate speech,” and “data privacy issues” (for those keeping track at home this last category includes, but is not limited to, Cambridge Analytica), the self-styled leader got to what felt like the meat of his message: I’m moving on.  Read more…

More about Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Cambridge Analytica, Tech, and Social Media Companies