Misshapen strawberry finally gets the Photoshop battle it always wanted


Misshapen fruit may look strange, but really it just needs to be loved.

It’s a bit like clouds, in a way — even if they look really, really odd, if you squint hard enough you can  make them into pretty much anything.

Waffling introductions aside, here is a strawberry that looks like a cat:

昨日食べたいちごがネコっぽかったから顔描いてみた pic.twitter.com/Up75aBqbBl

— むぎ (@mugi411) January 8, 2018

The fruit in question immediately won the heart of Twitter, and it wasn’t long before people were sharing their own creations…

俺も触発されてコムデギャルソンにしてみた結果絶対に伝わらないだろうけどあえて投下してみるww pic.twitter.com/Xhv9CbPlfu

— サイガ@下手の猫好き (@johndog_saiga) January 8, 2018 Read more…

More about Twitter, Viral, Photoshop Battle, Strawberry, and Culture