Neal Shusterman’s ‘Dry’ is a harrowing look at a world without water


Neal Shusterman is back!

Just months after the release of his new novel Thunderhead in his Arc of the Scythe series, National Book Award-winning author Shusterman has a new novel, Dry, that explores what would happen if the United States ran out of water.

The dystopian climate tale, co-written with his son Jarrod Shusterman, follows Alyssa, a teenage girl living in California during an extreme drought, which everyone calls “the flow crisis,” and then “the Tap-Out.”

“That’s what the media’s been calling the drought, ever since people got tired of hearing the word ‘drought,'” Alyssa explains in the novel. “Kind of like the way ‘global warming’ became ‘climate change,’ and ‘war’ became ‘conflict.’ But now they’ve got a new catchphrase. A new stage in our water woes. They’re calling this the ‘Tap-Out.'” Read more…

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