New ‘Alien’ mobile game looks like ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ in space


In space, no one can hear you scream. Unless you’re actually on a crowded subway playing a video game based on the Alien series.

The long-teased Alien: Blackout made its official debut on Monday. It stars Amanda Ripley, the daughter of Ellen (Sigourney Weaver’s character from the movies), as she works to help a space station crew escape a rampaging Xenomorph that has somehow made its way aboard.

Blackout is a mobile game, and it’s coming to Google Play, the iOS App Store, and Amazon Appstore sometime in 2019. The bulk of what we know at this point comes directly from the game’s publisher, thanks to a newly posted product page. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Gaming, Alien, Alien Blackout, and Entertainment