New free-to-play ‘X-Files’ game raises some red flags


The game is called The X-Files: Deep State, and FoxNext is the publisher. Friends, this is what normalization looks like.

The actual game is a free-to-play “mystery investigation” for Android/iOS and Facebook. It’s a tie-in for the incoming 11th season of The X-Files, which arrives on Jan. 3, 2018. The surface-details-only announcement is exactly the sort of thing we’d normally skip right over, but that subtitle sets off alarm bells.

For those who might not know, the “deep state” is a crackpot conspiracy theory often embraced by political extremists. It’s also, in recent months, been a rallying cry wielded by controversial public figures like Donald Trump and his Minister of Propaganda Fox News host Sean Hannity. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Gaming, The X Files, Foxnext, and The X Files Deep State