Of course Trump’s Christmas card is obnoxiously large


Donald Trump is obsessed with size and saying “Merry Christmas,” so it’s only fitting he’d combine his two loves to send out a stupidly large Christmas card.

To celebrate the holiday season, Trump sent Congress a card — which seems like a normal, friendly thing to do — but it’s Trump so obviously things were a bit off.

How so? Well, the card’s freakin’ huge!

A source gave Splinter an official look at Trump’s holiday card, and photos clearly show no one is exaggerating about the size.

Here’s a photo of the card with a penny on top for comparison. This thing looks like a mini poster board bent in half, are you joking? It’s like one of massive those joke cards you get a niece or nephew for their birthday when you want to win the favorite aunt/uncle title. This is not how you do Christmas cards. Read more…

More about Politics, Christmas, Congress, Donald Trump, and Barack Obama