Our dystopian ‘Black Mirror’ future is here thanks to Pizza Hut


 Well, every Black Mirror viewer knew it’d only be a matter of time before we started ranking social class using people’s Uber ratings, or wasting our lives in a VR game, or uploading our digital selves to the toilet — or whatever.

But actually, one Black Mirror prediction just became vividly real at CES. And it’s more horrifying than all of those combined.

Pizza Hut took to Twitter to unveil the state-of-the-art tech that will revolutionize the way the company inserts its cheese-covered cardboard circles into your mouth hole. Its driverless pizza delivery vehicle, the e-Palette developed by Toyota, works eerily similar to the fictional one seen in Black Mirror‘s “Crocodile” episode.  Read more…

More about Entertainment, Twitter, Driverless Cars, Crocodile, and Black Mirror