Pelosi delivers longest House speech ever in an attempt to save DACA


House Minority Leader has something she’d like to say: more than eight hours worth of things, to be specific.

Pelosi took to the House floor beginning at 10:04 am on Wednesday to advocate on behalf of young undocumented immigrants known as Dreamers. Republicans in the House are hoping to pass a spending bill before Friday. Pelosi is refusing to sign any bill that doesn’t include a path to citizenship for this population.

Her #DACAbuster, clocking in at an epic 8 hours and 7 minutes, broke the record for the longest speech ever delivered in House history, not exactly a chamber known for its brevity. Unlike the Senate, filibustering is not allowed in the House. (Pelosi got around that as her speech wasn’t obstructing the passage of specific legislation.)  Read more…

More about Watercooler, Shutdown, Nancy Pelosi, Dreamers, and Daca