Salty EPA spokesman slams journalist as “a piece of trash” for doing her job


Okay, everybody, this latest Scott Pruitt scandal has gotten a little out of hand. 

When The Atlantic‘s Elaina Plott reached out for comment from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) — you know, the government organization Pruitt is running like his own personal bingo hall — EPA spokesperson Jahan Wilcox told Plott, “You have a great day, you’re a piece of trash.”

Whoooooaaaaaaa there, Jahan. 

A bit much, don’t you think?

Apparently, Wilcox has had a rough day answering questions about the impending departure of EPA aide Millan Hupp.  Read more…

More about Epa, Scott Pruitt, Jahan Wilcox, Elaina Plott, and Free Press