Somebody dropped more than $87,000 on a Magic: The Gathering card


Instead of buying a car, paying for a four-year education at a state school, or stocking up on enough Hot Pockets to keep a person fed for roughly 53 years, someone took $87,672 and spent it on a single Magic: The Gathering card.

The elusive Alpha Black Lotus card was sold on eBay last week for that jaw-dropping sum, Kotaku reported Saturday.

Take a look at this very expensive piece of action:

The very expensive Black Lotus card.

The very expensive Black Lotus card.

Image: ebay

So what makes this card so expensive? First of all, it’s a really good card. While in most cases players can only tap a small amount of mana every turn (only one on the first turn, thanks to the game’s rules), this card allows you to tap an extra three mana, which is a huge advantage early on in any game. Read more…

More about Ebay, Magic The Gathering, Entertainment, and Gaming