Sony’s new 1000XM3 noise-cancellation headphones are perfect for flyers


When it comes to blocking out all outside noise (especially when you’re flying) Bose’s QuietComfort 35 II and Sony’s 1000XM2 are the two best over-ear noise-cancelling headphones money can buy.

Flyers swear by both, but Sony’s new 1000XM3 pulls ahead of the QC 35 II’s with arguably even better noise-cancellation, greater comfort, and one sweet new feature that’s perfect for cruising in the skies.

Like so many new versions of existing gadgets, Sony’s new WH-1000XM3 noise-cancellation headphones don’t look drastically different to its predecessor. Look closer, though, and you see many small tweaks made to improve what was already one of the most revered noise-cancellation headphones ever made. Read more…

More about Sony, Headphones, Ifa, Noise Cancellation, and Ifa 2018