Tesla Semi truck launch: What to expect and why it matters


Elon Musk is a man with a plan and, yes, a giant semi-truck fits right inside it.

The all-electric cargo mover, which Musk will unveil publicly for the first time on Thursday, fits neatly between the affordable all-electric Tesla Model 3 Musk is currently struggling to produce in volume and ride-sharing on steroids.

Unlike the other electric vehicles Tesla and Musk have put on the road thus far, the Tesla Semi truck is not for you. Well, maybe it is for you if you know how to work a CB radio and can handle an 18-wheeler.

No, the Tesla Semi is Musk’s first commercial all-electric vehicle, and the difference in sheer size, purpose, and target market raises many important and, admittedly, fascinating questions. Read more…

More about Highlights, Tesla, Elon Musk, Tesla Semi, and Tech