The bureaucratic nightmare of ‘Homecoming’ feels just a little too real


Spoilers for Homecoming: Season 1 lie ahead.

Very few Americans serve in the United States Armed Forces. 

According to the Council on Foreign Relations, approximately 1.2 million citizens—less than 0.5% of the U.S. population—were recorded as active military personnel in 2016. At present, that relatively high number reflects the world’s third largest armed force. But it could be dropping fast.

Lacking motivation, obesity rates, and a competitive civilian job market are among many factors that have contributed to what military experts are forecasting to be a recruitment crisis for the United States military. With fewer young men and women voluntarily enlisting, our defense forces could soon be facing, as retired Major General Dennis Laich calls it, a war for which “no one showed up on our side.” Read more…

More about Entertainment, Veterans, Julia Roberts, Soldiers, and Thriller