The silly early roles each Hollywood Chris wishes we’d forget


Welcome to Chris-mas in July, a week-long celebration of our four favorite Hollywood Chrises. We’ll be analyzing old movies, digging deep into past roles, and exploring everything there is to know about Evans, Hemsworth, Pine and Pratt. We hope this totally made up holiday makes you smile. 

One is not born a Hollywood Chris — one becomes a Hollywood Chris. 

Before Hollywood-ification, the Chrises were all just some schmoes with common-ass names trying to make it big. And we have a list of their best early work to prove it.

Listen, we all wish our nascent efforts to fulfill our dreams could just be stricken from the record. But unlike the rest of us commoners who only needed to delete old LiveJournal accounts, the most embarrassing early role of every Hollywood Chris is immortalized on their iMDB page.  Read more…

More about Entertainment, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, and Chris Pine