This summer, I’m bringing back the tiny fans of my youth


For anyone who grew up attending a school that, come the first day above 65 degrees, became a steaming sauna of pre-teen sweat, dragging oneself from one overheated classroom to another was a terrible fact of life. 

And though I don’t know how things went down at your school, I can tell you that at my school, the ultimate warm-weather status item was a handheld misting fan. 

A child enjoys her handheld misting fan in 2007.

A child enjoys her handheld misting fan in 2007.

Image: Getty Images

In hindsight, handheld misting fans are semi-disgusting. Essentially, it’s a plastic spray bottle with fan-blades surrounding the nozzle. On particularly sweltering bus rides to school, we’d pull out our never-cleaned spray bottles and mist one another with stale tap water. Read more…

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