We are all this opossum who snuck into a liquor store and got drunk


2017 has taken a toll on all of us – human and otherwise. 

An opossum in Florida snuck into a liquor store and proceeded to finish a bottle of bourbon. It has since made a full recovery, with no hangover.

Store owner Cash Moore told a local paper that the opossum likely entered through the rafters and knocked down the bottle. When Moore found her, it was empty, and the opossum, according to a local wildlife expert, “wasn’t fully acting normal.”

Fluids and rest: The universal cure for being too drunk.

Politics are driving even the animal kingdom to drink.

— Wendy Michael🍁 (@wendyhaymichael) December 2, 2017 Read more…

More about Watercooler, Culture, Florida, Opossum, and Liquor