Where Human Meets Nature: The importance of protecting Canada’s natural beauty


Paid Content by Canada Keep Exploring

It’s one thing to admire beautiful scenery on your Instagram feed, but it’s entirely different to experience it firsthand. With the rise of documenting and discovering our travels on social media, once secluded environments may draw more visitors than usual, exposing them to potential overcrowding and destruction

Although a ‘leave no trace’ mindset is important when traveling, it’s never been more important to be mindful of how our actions affect the natural world that we love to explore. And a visit to our northern neighbors is the ideal place to start.

With 47 national parks and everything from amazing views of the Northern Lights, to the stunning teal color of Lake Louise, to whale watching on British Columbia’s southwest coast, Canada is one of the best places to witness nature in its purest form. With plenty of natural wonders that are as calming as they are awe-inspiring, Canada can open your eyes to why sustainable travel is so important. Read more…

More about Travel, Supported, Canada, Sustainability, and Ecotourism