Where to watch ‘Rick and Morty’ without cable: Hulu, Sling TV, Comcast Xfinity, and more


Rick and Morty has been raising IQs (that’s a joke, we’re not those fans) and giving people messed up dreams since 2013. It’s vulgar as hell yet somehow slightly educational, and we can’t get enough.

Adult Swim renewed its beloved OG show for 70 more episodes in May 2018, with co-creator Dan Harmon announcing plans to get creative and grow the show in different ways. The only issue is that the fourth season isn’t even happening until late 2019 (they always do this to us). In the meantime, we’re left with old episodes to keep us happy.

Where to watch Rick and Morty online

Hulu is the obvious go-to for Rick and Morty binge-watching, as it’s by far the cheapest place that guarantees access to every episode at all times. But for people who aren’t impressed by the rest of Hulu’s content, finding another place to stream it can be tricky. Luckily, if your portal gun isn’t working and your ex has finally kicked you off of their Hulu account, you’re not doomed to feeling like a sketch ball on ad-ridden 123movies and its friends. Read more…

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