Why does Facebook suddenly have a page for the ‘Top 10 goat posts’?


Facebook is working to figure out how to show its users more stuff, especially stuff related to their interests from places that they might not follow. 

This is how I stumbled upon the best Facebook page ever: https://www.facebook.com/look/goat

OK, that’s not technically trueMoshe Isaacson, a friend of one of our reporters, showed it to us, but it is now my favorite page. I love goats, and I love that Facebook might finally be figuring out a way to show me stuff I like as opposed to, you know, Russian propaganda.

The goat page appears to be part of a larger test of a new type of tag on Facebook. (The page was titled “Top 10 goat posts on Facebook.” Indeed.) On the page, there’s other tags you can click on that take you to other such pages. I was too scared to click on goat meat, as I love goats too much for that. Read more…

More about Facebook, Goats, Business, and Big Tech Companies