Your hygge-obsession is weird and misunderstood, please stop


Being Scandinavian has become a rather weird experience. In the span of just a couple of years, we’ve gone from being a relatively unknown group of shy people from a tiny, cold, dark corner of the world to being hyper-visible and feeling like our culture is being fetishised.

I’m Danish, born and bread, but am now living in London, where I’ve witnessed this curiosity firsthand. 

Over here, we Scandis are the object of much envy. But not for the obvious reasons — like our high quality of life, our equality or even the fact that we’ve supplied like a third of the cast of Game of Thrones at this point. No, it’s for small aspects of our culture that a group of advertising executives somewhere saw fit to export and aggressively market as something that’s frankly not really true to who we are.  Read more…

More about Lifestyle, Scandinavia, Hygge, Culture, and Web Culture