17 perfect things you probably missed on TV in 2017


Yes yes, there’s too much TV, so how’s a fan to keep up with the growing number of exceptional performances, plot points, and ways of executing great television? We picked some of our favorite TV moments of the year that you might’ve missed while catching up. Now you know – and you can go back and watch.

1. The rise and fall of Ward Meachum, Iron Fist

The true hero of 'Iron Fist.'

The true hero of ‘Iron Fist.’

Image: David Giesbrecht/Netflix

Iron Fist had a lot working against it, from its indifferent choreography to its grating lead. Thankfully, though, it also had a surprise secret weapon in Ward Meachum. The poor little rich boy starts out as the unlikely audience stand-in, before spiraling downward into despair and desperation – and then, heroically, pulling himself back out of it. In a genre that’s largely defined by its hero-villain dichotomy, Ward was the (relatively) ordinary guy who reminded us that good and evil aren’t preordained destinies, but everyday choices.  Read more…

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