Amber Tamblyn confronts male ‘redemption’ after sexual misconduct in her latest ‘NYT’ op-ed


Actress Amber Tamblyn is back with more insight on the sexual harassment and assault scandal hitting Hollywood hard.

In her latest New York Times op-ed on Thursday, Tamblyn, who wrote about women coming forward with stories about sexual assault in September, jumps into the discussion about forgiving men accused of sexual misconduct, only just as they were finally starting to be called out for their abuses of power.

In the op-ed, Tamblyn argues that it’s too soon for that forgiveness conversation. “Why do we need to talk about the redemption of men when we are right in the middle of the salvation of women?” writes Tamblyn. “Not even the middle, but the very beginning?” Read more…

More about Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Allegations, Op Ed, Amber Tamblyn, and Sexual Misconduct