Bollywood rom-coms are super problematic, but I love them anyway


Welcome to No Shame November! This week we’re diving into the pop culture we love that society tells us we shouldn’t.

You might be familiar with the adult awakening that most classic love stories we grew up with don’t always hold up16 Candles? Creepy! You’ve Got Mail? Catfishing! Yet the fact remains that there are certain texts we can’t shake, stories that helped shape us and our views on love.

I grew up watching Indian Bollywood movies, so my discomfiting realization has been twofold. Bollywood is known for epic, sweeping romance – full musical numbers in gorgeous locales, grand gestures, soulmates. They taught me that romantic love was the most powerful force in the universe, something that could make people sing and dance with emotion and always finds a way.  Read more…

More about Bollywood, Noshamenovember, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows