13 creepy YouTube videos that are pure nightmare fuel


Are you one of those people who loves being scared — but, you know, in that not-quite-real way? There’s nothing like the thrill of watching a scary video. And YouTube has plenty of them that are short and free and will totally satisfy your adrenaline craving. 

Plus, watching on YouTube beats spending a ton of money to watch the latest horror flick on the big screen through your fingers.

In the spirit of Halloween, we’ve scoured the creepier corners of YouTube to gather some of the spookiest videos and web series out there. Take a look for yourself, or maybe with a friend or two. These just might give you nightmares for days.  Read more…

More about Youtube, Scary, Creepypasta, Culture, and Web Culture

View More 13 creepy YouTube videos that are pure nightmare fuel

17 terrifying creepypastas guaranteed to keep you up at night


The age-old tradition of telling ghost stories around a campfire has gotten a digital upgrade with creepypastas — scary stories or pictures that spread across message boards, becoming internet lore that are discussed both on and offline.

People around the word share their bizarre and terrifying creepypastas, hoping that the tales will gain popularity and become classics, often quoted or cited by horror fans and frightened netizens.

Like with the ghost stories of old, not all creepypastas are particularly scary or good, even if they are frequently passed around. Reading a long story with an interesting title or image is no guarantee of a frightening payoff, and the writers often forget that just having someone meeting a quick and unfortunate fate does not an interesting story make. Read more…

More about Scary, Scary Stories, Urban Legend, Creepypasta, and Culture

View More 17 terrifying creepypastas guaranteed to keep you up at night