George is dead and his species likely extinct. It’s the loss of a ‘crown jewel of evolution.’


A one-inch Hawaiian snail is dead, and his species is likely gone forever. 

The New Year’s Day death of the small, 14-year-old snail, named George by Hawaiian scientists, is yet another blow to the native Hawaiian ecosystem, which as the most isolated group of islands on the planet contains species found nowhere else.

But overexploitation, invasive predators, and climate change are continuously knocking out the critters here. And it’s happening fast.

“We’re witnessing complete extirpations at a rate that’s pretty remarkable,” David Sischo, the snail extinction prevention program coordinator at the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, said in an interview. Read more…

More about Science, Conservation, Hawaii, Extinction, and Snails

View More George is dead and his species likely extinct. It’s the loss of a ‘crown jewel of evolution.’

An extinct gibbon was found buried in an ancient tomb. Did humans kill them off?

Inside a desk drawer at a Chinese museum, a British paleontologist came across the face and jaw bones of a long-dead gibbon in 2009.
Five years earlier, scientists had discovered the bones inside an elaborate 2,200-year-old tomb belonging to a woman …

View More An extinct gibbon was found buried in an ancient tomb. Did humans kill them off?

Crowdfunding campaign leads to major discovery of healthy Tasmanian devils


Tasmanian devils are on the brink of extinction, but there’s a glimmer of hope. And it’s shining brightly. 

Scientists exploring Tasmania’s southwest wilderness discovered a group of the animals that so far appears to be completely free of the contagious cancer that is ravaging the rest of the population.

According to the Tasmanian government, a team led by Dr. Sam Fox trapped 14 healthy devils free of Devil Facial Tumour Disease — a cancer that spreads from devil to devil and results in the marsupials’ death. 

The Independent reports that, since the discovery of the disease, the population of wild devils has declined by 80 percent.  Read more…

More about Extinction, Tasmanian Devil, Culture, and Animals

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Why scientists think cows could be the largest animals on land in 300 years


Cows — simple-minded, prone to belching, and eager to eat — may be the planet’s largest land animals in two or three centuries. 

But it’s not because they’re getting any bigger. 

Rather, these approximately 2,000 pound-ungulates could be the largest land mammals left alive in the next few hundred years.

Ever since our human ancestors became interested in eating meat some 1.8 million years ago, the biggest animals have been expertly hunted, driving populations down.

In fact, spear-wielding hunters, not climate change, could be the defining reason for the steady demise of Earth’s largest mammals, argue scientists in a study published Thursday in the journal Science. Read more…

More about Science, Africa, Climate Change, Mammals, and Extinction

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Meet the animals that probably went extinct in 2017


At the end of each year, wildlife ecologist David Steen compiles a list of critters that have likely gone extinct. The 2017 list includes a bat, cat, and multiple lizards, although other creatures may be gone for good — we just don’t know it yet.

Steen, an ecologist at Auburn University, started the annual extinction list in 2012 to establish a clear, reliable source for the planet’s extinctions. Educating the public about the loss of species, in his view, is as important as it is dispiriting.

“It is depressing, frankly, to think about all the creatures we will never see again but I think it is important for us to perceive extinction as a loss of actual species and not just numbers and rates,” Steen said via email. Read more…

More about Science, Conservation, Extinction, Endangered Species, and Threatened Species

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