This game tells the gender wage gap to f*ck off, and it’s exactly what we needed


Jane Friedhoff is a riot grrrl game developerWhat does that mean? She creates power fantasies for women that let them tell the status quo to fuck right off — through the joy of unadulterated play.

Her latest title, Lost Wage Rampage, essentially reappropriates the hyper-masculinity of Grand Theft Auto, replacing the aimless male rage of the original driving game with the very real rage women feel after realizing they’re being paid less than their male coworkers. 

“It’s a game about gender inequality wrapped up in an ’80s-action-movie-comedy-fairytale,” described its animator and artist, Marlowe Dobbe.  Read more…

More about Entertainment, Social Good, Gender Pay Gap, Indie Games, and Gender Inequality

View More This game tells the gender wage gap to f*ck off, and it’s exactly what we needed