After filming giant squids, scientists ponder what else lurks deep within the oceans


For centuries, sailors spoke about a tentacled monster called “the Kraken” that lurked in the oceans. 

“There were tales of them pulling ships and men to their death, which may have been partially true, although sailors tell tales,” Edith Widder, a marine biologist, said in an interview.

The Kraken, however, might exist — in the form of the elusive giant squid.

Six years ago, Widder and team of scientists captured the first-ever video footage of the giant squid — which she said can grow to be the length of a four-story building — by attracting the mysterious creature to an electronic flashing lure, which mimicked the glow of a jellyfish.  Read more…

More about Science, Oceans, Noaa, Exploration, and Giant Squid

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Strange, alien-looking deep sea creatures revealed in new ocean videos


While traversing the seafloor in a pressurized bubble 3,200 feet beneath the ocean, marine photographer Gavin Thurston spotted an odd creature, about the size of a football. 

“It looked like a mix of four animals,” said Thurston.

He shone a light on it, for a better view.  

“Clearly this beasty — whatever it was — didn’t like the light,” he said, and it danced away on its silken thread-like legs, out of the glow. 

It appeared to be a sponge, but covered in siphons, like pistons in a car engine thrusting up and down. It wore a crown of tentacles, which grabbed tiny critters out of the water. Read more…

More about Science, Oceans, Marine Biology, Deep Sea, and Natural History

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The Great Pacific Garbage Patch contains up to 16 times more plastic than we thought

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We all need a little hug: Skates found to warm their eggs near deep-sea volcanic vents

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Pants made out of recycled plastic bottles and coffee beans could be the new jeans

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