Netflix’s ‘On My Block’ is a teen story rarely seen on TV


Netflix’s latest original isn’t easy to describe. It’s mostly a comedy, except when it isn’t. It stars a bunch of unknowns, but they’re compelling from the outset. It’s full of teen drama, like 13 Reasons Why or Everything Sucks!, but it’s also about gang violence, sexuality, and a treasure hunt.

That’s a lot to reconcile, but On My Block has at its core a group of characters you might just fall in love with. Here are four kids of color, growing up in a rough neighborhood, and not one can be accused of being a stereotype or lacking dimension. The layers of storytelling add up to a comprehensive — if somewhat chaotic — big picture, and a show well worth binging. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Television, Netflix, Los Angeles, and On My Block

View More Netflix’s ‘On My Block’ is a teen story rarely seen on TV