Apple’s new iPhones are powered by the industry’s first 7nm chips

Unsurprisingly, Apple today announced its newest generation of iPhones. And with that, it also announced its new chips: the A12 Bionic. What makes the A12 Bionic stand out is that it’s built using a 7nm process. While it’s hard to compare these numbers given that every chip manufacturer seems to have its own way of […]

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The true story of how Apple took its biggest risk and built the iPhone X


The iPhone X is the smartphone Apple always wanted to make. 

Sure, the company released three phones this fall, and like a parent who insists they love all of their children equally, Apple claims that the iPhone 8, 8 Plus, and iPhone X are each unique and special in their own way. But it’s obvious that the company is bending the truth — because the iPhone X is special in its own right.

“[It’s] something just entirely new,” said Apple SVP of worldwide marketing Phil Schiller. “I think customers were ready to have one more thing in the iPhone line that was new and very different.”

More about Apple, Phil Schiller, Iphone X, Craig Federighi, and Tech

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