SpaceX adds $100 million to previous $350 million funding round

 SpaceX filed a new amended update to its $351 million funding round from this summer, adding around $100 million to the round in newly disclosed funds and bringing the total to $450 million. The new follow-on funding puts SpaceX’s total post-money valuation at $21.5 billion. SpaceX spokesperson James Gleeson provided the following statement regarding the amended filing: “This… Read More

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Another thing we thought was water on Mars actually isn’t water


Back in 2011, NASA scientists announced they had spotted compelling evidence that water sometimes still flowed on Mars. Now, researchers are backpedaling on these watery conclusions. 

To NASA’s credit, the 2011 evidence looked quite convincing. Images captured by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter — a NASA satellite orbiting Mars — showed telltale dark streaks running down various mountains, valleys, and craters on Mars. They look strikingly similar to features formed on Earth’s surface by flowing water.

But, according to a new study in the journal Nature Geoscience, it turns out these dark streaks are made mostly of “granular flow” — sand and perhaps rocks falling downhill — rather than water flowing down valleys during the warmer Martian summers.  Read more…

More about Space, Nasa, Science, Mars, and Mars Orbiter

View More Another thing we thought was water on Mars actually isn’t water

An interstellar asteroid has been studied for the 1st time… and it looks really odd

In October, astronomers using a powerful telescope in Hawaii caught sight of something they’d never seen before: an asteroid from interstellar space hurtling through our solar system. 
Now, about a month later, we have some sense of what that fa…

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This is what a meteor looks like from space


You can see a lot of amazing things from space. 

Astronauts on the International Space Station have spotted auroras dancing above Earth, menacing thunderstorms, destructive hurricanes, and just this month a European astronaut on the Space Station caught sight of a meteor shooting through the Earth’s atmosphere. 

European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Paolo Nespoli managed to catch the fireball falling to Earth in a time-lapse video on November 5. 

And here a closer look! Make a wish… I already did 😉 // E qui visto da più vicino! Esprimete un desiderio… Io l’ho già fatto 😉 #VITAmission

— Paolo Nespoli (@astro_paolo) November 16, 2017 Read more…

More about Space, Science, International Space Station, Meteors, and Meteor Shower

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Fireballs shoot across sky as Leonid meteor shower peaks


The Leonids meteor shower has been active for the past two weeks and this weekend the cosmic debris show is hitting its peak. 

Leonids, named for the constellation Leo where the shower appears to originate from, started earlier this month and should give something of a show over the next few days. It’s true peak appeared to be Friday morning — early. It will continue until the beginning of December.

Already some impressive displays have lit up the night sky. This particular meteor shower occurs when crossing the debris of Comet Temple/Tuttle, which orbits the sun every 33 years. Read more…

More about Space, Science, Astronomy, Meteors, and Meteor Shower

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