Donald Trump Jr. uses awful dog-eating meme to attack Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Donald Trump Jr. just posted something very dumb and bad on Instagram and I swear this is not a repeat.

This time, the president’s son went after newly-elected congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her democratic socialist background by using a meme about eating dogs. 

Making the whole post even worse is Junior’s caption, “It’s funny cuz it’s true!!!” Setting aside for a moment the racist roots of dog-eating jokes, the meme is likely a reference to the currently horrific conditions in Venezuela where citizens have reportedly been reduced to hunting and eating rats and dogs due to food shortages due to the country’s economic collapse which many blame on its current socialist president. It’s been a recent tag line of conservatives, who seemed spooked by the success of democratic socialist candidates like Ocasio-Cortez.  Read more…

More about Memes, Donald Trump Jr, Socialism, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and Culture