Everything coming to Netflix in November 2018


With a crisp chill in the air finally blowing away the heat of summer, November is shaping up to be an autumnal wonderland. We’re sure you’ve already got your pie dough chilling, your blankets newly fluffed, and your boots by the front door. But, is that Netflix queue really ready? 

This month’s Netflix lineup includes both bingeable series as well as movies that beg to be marathoned—so you’ll need to start planning your streaming stat. Here’s what is available.

The final season of House of Cards, starring the incomparable Robin Wright, will wrap up the political drama’s nearly six year run on the 2nd. Later in the month, the newly rebranded Narcos: Mexico will tee up a “reset” for the crime favorite with a time jump to the 1980s. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Netflix, Thanksgiving, Streaming, and House Of Cards