Gifts for people who know the best Chris is Hemsworth


We’ve all had our fun debating which Chris is the best Chris, which Chris makes the best movies, which Chris is the funniest or prettiest or most talented. 

But c’mon. Deep down, we all know it’s Hemsworth, right?

Or at the very least, we all know someone who does. We’re talking about that friend who has Hemsworth’s GQ cover as their lockscreen, who regularly references that SNL “Brunch” sketch from three years ago, who even watched that terrible Huntsman sequel as an act of love and loyalty. 

So what do you get the person who’s already collected every Thor Funko Pop model in existence, and who not only owns all the Thor and Avengers movies but has seen each one roughly fifty times? Read more…

More about Chris Hemsworth, Gift Guide 2018, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows