Here’s what the critics think of ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Season 2


The Handmaid’s Tale is soon returning for more episodes of misery and misogyny to the nth degree, and the reviews are coming in for the second season of Hulu’s morbid series.

If at the end of Season1 you expected things to turn around for the handmaids and society as a whole, you are way, way off. At best, things seem to be staying just as bleak as before, but perhaps with a bit less of the nuance that made Season 1 so horribly addictive, as Mashable’s own Jess Joho noted in her review of Season 2.

The Handmaid’s Tale Season 2 opens up the claustrophobic scope of Season 1, following the characters into new locations and through new difficulties. Reviewers only had access to the first six episodes, so they can’t paint a full picture of the success of the second season, but the first chunk of episodes seem a little disjointed, although are peppered with the excellent performances we’ve come to expect from the cast. Read more…

More about Reviews, Hulu, Tv Shows, Screening, and Handmaid S Tale