James Harden’s baseball cap tease is nothing new for ‘Call of Duty’


Few things in life are certain. The sun will always rise in the morning and set in the evening. Dogs will always be better than cats. And a new Call of Duty will always, always come out every year.

It’s a little early for a formal reveal, but suspicions about what’s next for the series are running high thanks to James Harden. The Houston Rockets star was spotted wearing a baseball cap featuring a minimalistic logo that apes the style of previous logos in the Call of Duty: Black Ops series.

See it here:

Is that NBA player – James Harden wearing a #BlackOps4 hat 🤔 pic.twitter.com/nu4uW40cjs

— Call of Duty (@CallOfDutyUnite) March 7, 2018 Read more…

More about Entertainment, Gaming, Call Of Duty, James Harden, and Screening