Kanye West tweets provide the best captions to these ‘New Yorker’ cartoons


So, Kanye West did a thing this week and Donald Trump is involved and the internet has pretty much melted down. So the folks at music site Pigeons and Planes did the only thing they could to make sense of it all: mash up Kanye tweets and New Yorker cartoons.

Yes, that pillar of highbrow comedy meets the philosophy of Kanye West in 140 280 characters or less, and it’s actually pretty damn amusing. 

They posted 10 in all, which can be read in this here thread, but here are the top ones (or at least the ones that made me laugh the most).

New Yorker cartoons but with Kanye tweets (1/10) pic.twitter.com/5i5sFv6GY8

— Pigeons & Planes (@PigsAndPlans) April 25, 2018 Read more…

More about Twitter, Kanye West, New Yorker, Pigeons And Planes, and Culture